A silly question about quantum mechanics?
Let ψ₁, ψ₂, ... , ψᵥ be an orthonormal basis set.
ψ = c₁ψ₁ + c₂ψ₂ + ... + cᵥψᵥ
It is given in the lecture note I am provided with that since 〈ψᵤ|ψᵥ〉 = δᵤᵥ we can find
cᵣ = 〈ψᵣ|ψ〉
The proof is given and I understand that. The problem is, how can one apply this to find cᵣ without really knowing c₁, c₂, ..., cᵣ, ..., cᵥ? (ψ = c₁ψ₁ + c₂ψ₂ + ... + cᵥψᵥ)
@PleaseSt...Yes the result might sound trivial and that's exactly why I don't understand what the note says. Let me put it in this way..
If I define ψ as a superposition of an orthonormal basis ψ₁, ψ₂, ... , ψᵥ .... then I already know the mixing coefficients. Then why on earth should I bother "finding" them using 〈ψᵣ|ψ〉?