Y & R storyline. Good grief! How unrealistic this storyline is now?

Our friendly neighborhood kidnapper & all around threat to society "Crazy Daisy" is on the loose, driving off into the sunset. Anyone who has been in active labor knows how realistic all this activity is. (You can just about breathe & scream at the same time when you're in labor, but I digress). What happened to the 24 hour security guard? He just let her go with her best bud Jana alone in the car? They just " turned off" the electronic ankle monitor too? Why? It should always be on...that's what it's for... to keep track of a person on bail. Why didn't they call 911, which anyone with half a brain would have done.Suppose she started to bleed again or deliver the baby...could Jana handle an emergency like that? This story has so many holes you could drive a snow plow through them! ( Oh wait...we don't have any extra snow plows because of the blizzard here.Maybe drive an ambulance for Crazy Daisy could have used one.) Even if you excuse the missing guard & letting Jana take her alone in the car, all they have to do is turn on the ankle monitor to find her. Do all these things bother anyone else who would just like Y & R to have logical story lines?


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I have watched and been a fan of Y&R for 20+ years......and I agree the s/l's are some what to be desired.......I continue to watch and hope they get new writers because the ones they have must be on something....Bill Bell is probably turning over in his grave.....from what I know Y&R has been signed on for another two years...as crazy and far fetched Y&R is I would be the first one to protest if God forbid they got axed.


Well as it has already been said, it's a soap opera. If it all worked like it really should it wouldn't be as exciting to watch. I know what you mean though because even though we all know it's fake they should at least try to make it look a bit more realistic. Daisy should have acted more better with the labor pains.

You're not the only one that notices how ridiculous some storylines are. I remember back when Patty was in the mental hospital and Adam was put in the room RIGHT BESIDE hers where he'd sneak in and upset her then be gone by the time the doctors came in. You know it's like, "Where are the cameras in that hospital?"


I really wish Daisy had just kidnapped Jana again and took her far away so Jana will be out of Kevin and Chloes lives but as it has already been said "that's soap opera land". I also would like a nice down to earth story that is exciting but don't insult our intelligence. This storyline and the volcano one is about as out there as you can get. Now we will have to endure another 6 months of Lauren jumping at everything that moves and it was getting old a long time ago now it will just start over. Looks like the writers are just plain lazy. They will dangle Daniel being hurt in front of us and just go on with Lauren being a nut "again". Is Daisy gonna deliver that baby by herself?


i'm purely going to concentration on present day storylines simply by fact there are purely too many interior the previous to handle. top now, it is not that i'm digging this entire Tyra/Ana storyline. i'm extremely particular they have been delivered on for variety motives, and to furnish neil a love activity and devon greater tale. maybe this is the casting or the the appearing or the two, yet i'm purely no longer liking it. I desire they could purely convey decrease back olivia, nate, dru, and suck it up and recast malcolm. my prevalent storyline is Nikki slipping and eating back. i won't be able to wait to work out the how this play out. Melody Thomas Scott doing a superb activity and appearing the heck out all this.


Danial had the monitor turned off. But why the missing guard? His plans were to take her to the hospital the next morning. So does this mean she is gone and will come back later to claim the kid?

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