Where is the closest French possession to the United States?

BQ - and why?


This is a trivia Q - not homework. I wanted to see if anyone in Y!A could come up with the name.


Favorite Answer

There is a group of islands just south of Newfoundland. They are French territory and are called St Pierre and Miquelon. Their closest American neighbor is the State of Maine.

Spock (rhp)2011-01-02T11:39:49Z

i think there are a couple of islands in the Atlantic to the east of Nova Scotia that are still French. These might be closer than the remaining French possessions in the Caribbean


With the French military decimated, Napolean had no thank you to preserve the colony; greater constructive to sell it to allies (the U. S.) than lose it wholesale. It inspired US enhance and "appear destiny" ideology of enhance, and set a precedent that the U. S. replaced into no longer constrained to its unique obstacles.


The french Embassy. It is considered French territory and it is on U.S. soil. In Washington DC


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