I am stuck in a rut, can you help?

I was on steroids for a brain injury from 2001-2002, and placed on many meds after until 2006. I have been dieting and working out since 2008. I lost a ton of weight and gained a lot of muscle, for about a year and a half.
Its not that I am weak now, havent stopped going to the gym either, and I havent changed good food habits lately that much either. I started grad school in November, and I feel like I am sitting too much even though it isnt for very long ever at any one time. I feel swollen and bloated although all of my clothes fit better and I dont look fat, I just feel morose.
Is there a reason for this? Is it just because I feel cooped up? I am still new to the whole healthy lifestyle, so please let me know if this is just a mental feeling or if I probably am retaining water after New Years/ Christmas/ Birthdays?
Please dont sell me on any pills either. Thank you


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nahh, i feel pillowy when i dont work out too, i feel fat and lazy. so i guess you should just keep working out, or just doing cardio when you can...find time to do something active.


Hey I understand the situration you are in as you try to lose weight. Many people are in the same position as you. Diet Solution program have work for alot of people maybe this is right solution for you?

Well good luck.