Concealed Carry Employer Liability in Florida?

Can anyone help me with a question about employer liability in Florida in regards to employees carrying a concealed weapon on company premises?

I know that the law states the employer has no liability in the parking lot, Meaning that an employee can bring a concealed weapon into the parking lot and if he commits a crime the employer has no liability. However, I have not found any information in the statutes or anywhere else about employer liability on the premises. In other words, if an employee has a valid Concealed Weapons License and the employer allows that employee to carry on company property, if that employee then commits a crime with the weapon is there any liability for the employer?

The Arbiter of common sense2011-01-07T08:23:06Z

Favorite Answer

There is always liability. The employer has the duty to provide a safe workplace. If it can be shown that the company knew of the weapon, knew the person was liable to use it, and did not act, they could be found liable.

That includes in the parking lot, if it is company controlled property. Primary liability of course rests on the criminal.