Isn’t the Universe the Real God?

Consider human body as an analogy for God. Human body is a pyramidal hierarchy composed of organs of various abilities distributed at different levels. The greatest organs are located towards apex of the pyramid. Size of the top organs reduce dramatically as their share of body control rises in inverse proportion. Thus the minuscule apex becomes the ‘brain’.

For a resident body cell, isn’t the body the real God?

Isn’t this story analogous with that of universe? Isn’t the Universe too is a pyramidal hierarchy? Isn’t an entity like a cell of Universe? Isn’t the Universe our Real God?

What would you say?

(Discussions may be detailed and decisive.)


Miss! Doesn’t omnipresence of God lead us to the postulate that God made himself? That doesn’t prevent him from being the Universe.

Neil! The Universe too is perfect and holy. However, the question of his being separate from Universe is under speculation.

Saito! As philosopher, you are to assess the findings of some of us who are working as scientists. We are asserting God’s existence. But we would like to know what he is.

QGJ! God is in all things. So doesn’t it mean that the Universe is the God himself?

quartering25 go jets2011-01-10T05:26:25Z

Favorite Answer

God is separate from man, why? Man is his image, like a picture or a mirror. I believe God is in all things, and causes all things. God even said of Pharoah who held Israel captive. God said, 'I raised up Pharoah so the whole world could see my,(God), power in him.


No. Science has determined that the universe has a beginning. It's called the Big Bang. (See Stephen Hawking's A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME.) But God is eternal, by definition (regardless of whether one thinks he actually exists.)


God is separate from his creation. God is holy and perfect and unconditionally loving. We are not.