have you seen the movie black swan yet?

if so would you recommend it i saw it Saturday night i liked it but it was so dark and twisted i don't think i could recommend it to many people


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i would highly recommend it...these days people hate certain movies just because of the twisted things inside, but i judge things on whether it's a GOOD FILM or not. and i thought it was spectacular...so dark and meaningful, filled with symbolism as well as being freaky...


Yes, and I would recommend it for the very fact that it was dark and twisted! It plays with your mind >:)


I loved it. Really good and actually surprised it was since it was a film that I didn't think the director could pull off since it involved ballerinas.

Golden Brown2011-01-10T14:45:06Z

I'm not particularly interested to be frank.

I see what they're trying to do though, maybe it'll attract the more high-brow of audience.


Just the best part with Mila and Natalie.

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