Blaming each other for the shooting - are we falling apart from fear?

The right blames the left, the left blames the right. Rush blamed Obama for being incendiary and a "professional agitator" on his show today. Many web sites are re-posting Sarah Palin's map with gunsights targeting the Representative who actually was shot this weekend.

This seems to go beyond even the usual political hyperbole. Are the actions of this single madman so beyond reason that either side is terrified that he might be one of their own and is thus desperate to pin the blame anywhere else?

Is this response an indication that we're not afraid of the right or the left - but rather afraid of ourselves?


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What's really funny is that nobody is saying a peep about the gun manufacturers. They have no responsibility other than to make money selling death.


The shooting was done by a mentally unstable person who has no regard for human life. We should not blame anyone except the individual that chose such an evil course of action.


No, it is just a symptom of the venomous and malignant hatred of the extreme right and extreme left using any negative thing that occurs to spew their political vomit on the other side. It is ruining this site for reasonable people and it is ruining our government.


Well it certainly seems that ignorance is running rampant here today ! the blaming and the lies are running neck and neck ! Actually pretty sad !


I'm falling apart from laughing at Cons.

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