Would anyone mind me saying that the talent that is displayed in this place is awesome?

I have been a freelance writer, editor, and now a publisher. I was totally unaware of the rich literary talent that is coming up in the new generations. Kudos, kids! You are awesome!


Umm, seems some folks here are clueless about seeing gems in the rough. Go on through life muddling with the crowd of wannabees .. it's your loss.

BTW, no one needs vanity press anymore with Amazon's publishing program.

Much of the "advice" I've seen here is 40 years out of date, and not the words of experienced writers of any era.


Favorite Answer

I wouldn't mind at all! It is quite encouraging to see that not only is the new generation eager about spreading its literary wings but also is quite talented at it.

Regrettable that such lovely a question becomes marred by spam as its first answer.


You've never looked at an actual online writer's group, then? LOL at a publisher being impressed by the writing posted here.

Waiting for the "and by the way I run a vanity press" punchline...

K.K., you're not doing _anyone_ any favours. Most (not all) of the writing posted here is below average for the agegroup the writer claims to be. That's not "rich literary talent" by any description.


Wouldn't mind it at all.

If you could leave a link to the awesome talent or just let me know where it is, I might even agree.

It's good that you give kudos, kids will love that. Cheers to you.


You forgot the "/sarcasm".