Have you really considered what is divisive rhetoric?

Have you stopped to consider that John Hancock, Thomas Payne, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Daniel Webster all spoke divisive rhetoric?


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This whole spiel that the rhetoric is too heated is nothing but a tactic to quell opposition to Obama and the Democrats.

Political discussion has ALWAYS been a heated topic. In fact, violence, libel and slander were quite common in the old days, even in the main stream media. Things are much better and more civil these days.

The left has been extremely critical of republicans/conservatives over the years. They have used speech that could be construed as violent in nature or themed (i.e. republicans are our enemies, or bring a gun to a knife fight) many times over. Hillary Clinton said dissent is patriotic (or something to that effect) and that it is our right to speak out against any administration. Protesters burned Bush in effigy, carried placards of him depicted as Hitler, called him a Nazi, a terrorist, the Devil. Mayor Nagin of New Orleans said the city should be a "Chocolate city," And the list goes on and on. Yet NOW it is too heated and is causing violence? All when the dems and Obama are slumping in the polls and had their @sses kicked last Nov., and conservative ideas, the Tea Party, and talks of limiting government are becoming more popular.

What better way to get the sheeple to go back to sleep, and forget about the dismal job the democrats and Obama have done than to have people shut up and focus on something else? That is the whole agenda behind pretending the "rhetoric" is getting out of hand.


Nice point. I still believe that rhetoric or not, people are still responsible for the actions they take. If we stop blaming others and blame the criminal, we will all be better off.