Spiritually continuing, what would you think about two blocking levels?

Answers to Dr. Bob's question got me thinking.

Most claimed that they blocked due to abusive correspondence. That is certainly understandable, but, unfortunately, the ability to answer questions is also removed from the offending individual.

Would people out here be willing to allow those they have blocked to continue answering their questions? Should there be some sort of two-tier blocking, in which the ability to send emails and answer questions were separate privileges?

I ask this because, some people are blocked immediately by the person asking the question. It's rather hard to use the "abusive email" defense in those instances. It's a simple case of someone not liking the reply.

If a reply doesn't violate the ToS, should an individual have the right to block the answerer?

The Former Dr. Bob2011-01-14T16:35:00Z

Favorite Answer

It was The Pernicion who most recently blocked me. I'd not ever seen that user before and answered exactly one question of theirs. I tried to edit my answer to correct a typo, and by the time I could do that, I'd been blocked.

That seems to happen to me pretty regularly, lately.

The answers to my original question show pretty clearly that most people with a high school level of education are comfortable with disagreement, and think such actions are immature and unacceptable.

I agree that shutting down discussion is inappropriate. However, it also speaks of how those that block perceive different ideas to be threatening to them. This latest block is just one more in a long line of people who've blocked me, including such "enlightened" people like Dreamstuff Entity, Eva Braun, and others.

So, in short, I don't think the Answers team would ever go for an idea like yours. Give some people a choice on their "blocking" level, and they'll go right for the highest one, every time.


That's a clever idea, but I wouldn't expect the Y!A team to take it into consideration.

IDK, I've tried giving up on blocking people all together. I will only block people from now on who I KNOW are report monkey's or a threat in anyway to me or my friends.

I had you blocked I think because you pissed me of once or twice. You were such a jerk to me (and still kind of are) and it was for no good reason too so I saw that as a good excuse to block you, LOL! XD


I only block report monkeys.

I post inflammatory stuff (always sourced of course), but people have a right to reply.

People with closed email are cowards.


in case you pick greater helpful suggestion you need to pay for it thus it quite is interior the coin of education . in case you will no longer say what it became that offended Pangel { and which would be confusing certainly } you need to have reported sometime fairly undesirable . For that i could say a apology could quite be so as . while you're no longer sufficiently enormous to do this then you definately could by no skill be worth having as a pal . themes are one element acquaintances are yet another appreciate is owed the acquaintances ideals and for her to be offended you need to have shown disrespect .

Chapter and Verse2011-01-14T16:37:52Z

I'm not sure but isn't it possible to set your account to no email and no im?