What should I wear on a first date with a guy I really like?

We are meeting each other in 2 hours, so I don't have time to go buy anything.
I also need help with hair styles, I don't have a curling iron or straightener because we don't have the money to buy stuff like that. but I do have a couple of clips, and some hair ties (pony tail things) and of course a hair brush. Any ideas on hair styles?

And for clothes I have:
2 pairs of pants, a pair of skinny jeans, and then a pair of black sweat pants.
I have 2 vests a black one and a brown one.
I have 4 Aeropostale shirts, a white one, pink one, green and yellow.
I have a yellow strapless shirt that looks like this http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://i522.photobucket.com/albums/w349/Lets_Fast_Dance_Till_Dawn/PleatFrontTubeDress-TeenClothingbyW.jpg&imgrefurl=http://s522.photobucket.com/albums/w349/Lets_Fast_Dance_Till_Dawn/%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3DPleatFrontTubeDress-TeenClothingbyW.jpg%26newest%3D1&usg=__1P8KkMvs-B_hiW_NS_fuC54NV0Q=&h=300&w=300&sz=7&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=EuAYy-a8Vma78M:&tbnh=144&tbnw=137&ei=qsgxTey4LIP78Aas3L3QCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyellow%2Bstrapless%2Bshirt%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1020%26bih%3D444%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=273&vpy=65&dur=2824&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=147&ty=124&oei=qsgxTey4LIP78Aas3L3QCA&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
I have tank tops in every color.
I have a pink, long sleaved, V neck shirt, with a matching pink and black tank top that is made to go under it.
I have a red ski jacket that I will be wearing on top of everything but I will take it off when we get there.
I also have a few sweaters, pink, baby blue, black, and white.
I have silver winter boots with a matching silver purse, and I also have black winter boots with heels but they are really hard to walk in and not really made for the snow we have, but I could wear them.
So any ideas I can wear, with what I have?
Or hair styles?

Also I can't wear anything too like, you know, I mean it's -25'C and blowing snow so I have to wear warm stuff, I can't just go out in a t-shirt, especially since we are taking the bus!

Also do you think I should wear a bit of make up? I never really do, but I have lip gloss, mascara and foundation that I got for Christmas.

Haha sorry if this is kinda like a lot of questions put into one!

Also we are just going to the movies and then to get pizza so I don't want dress too fancy.

Thanks so much! And I will pick best answer :)


Favorite Answer

Don't wear something strapless. He'll think you're crazy! Unless you have a nice cardigan to go over it.
Since you have a red ski jacket, I think the silver winter boots would go fine with it. Go ahead and use the silver purse too, but that means you can't wear gold jewelry or too much silver jewelry or it will clash.
Wear some skinny jeans tucked into the boots, and the baby blue sweater with a nice simple silver necklace. If it's a v-neck sweater, wear a white cami/tank underneath. Wear your hair straight. Do your makeup like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBgrfjqSdRA
Just wash your hair, make your side bangs like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKbbc5heQjk
And kind of scrunch it with mousse. then use a diffuser, or a blow dryer with a comb or pipe extension and just blow at it until the hair isn't crunchy. Or rock your natural hair. :)
Just have fun and let loose. You are putting too much thought into it. :)


Wear make up but natural colours, pink sweater and skinny jeans, have hair up in bun but with pieces falling on the face, silver winter boots and matching purse, u dont want to go over board with makeup just keep it natural. Hope it helps have fun xx


I think you are over thinking this all way too much! It doesn't matter as much as you think. Wear something casual, but not too casual. Wear the jeans, but not the sweat pants. Sweat pants are too casual. Jeans are just the right casual. I don't know about the top, but I'd recommend something that goes well with the jeans, and is also casual, but not too casual. Wear your hair out, and don't do too much with it. Don't wear too much makeup, but also don't wear none at all. Wear mascara, a bit of foundation (but make sure it's not too much) and the lipgloss. Make sure you don't wear too much lipgloss either, just a bit. Good luck :)


skinny jeans + v-neck + mascara + lipgloss + silver shoes + straight hair

Charie P2011-01-15T16:38:39Z

You're putting too much thought into this. Guys don't care what you wear.

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