Rate/Fix my Disaster Dragon deck?

I'd like to know the rating for the deck to see how well I did at assembling this deck and what changes would I need to make the deck 10/10.

Monster cards

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x3
Koa'ki Meiru Drago x2
Light and Darkness Dragon x1
Masked Dragon x3
Flamvell Guard x1
Red-Eyes Wyvern x3
Totem Dragon x3
Delta Flyer x1

Spell cards

Future Fusion x1
Stamping Destruction x2
Book of Moon x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Dragon's Mirror x1
Cold Wave x1
Giant Trunade x1
Dark Hole x1
Monster Reborn x1

Trap cards

Dimensional Prison x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Mirror Force x1
Starlight Road x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Torrential Tribute x1

Extra Deck

Red Nova Dragon x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x3
Stardust Dragon x3
Black Rose Dragon x3
Exploder Dragonwing x1
Trident Dragion x1
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1
Five Headed Dragon x1
Scrap Dragon x1

Total: 40 cards + 15 extra

Thanks in advance!!!


Favorite Answer

I'd suggest adding either Pots of Duality or Gold sarcophagus into your deck. As of right now in your deck, you only have a 1of 40 chance of drawing that important Future Fusion into your hand.

What are the 3 BEWD for? Idk to me there are much better choices in Prime Material Dragon, and White Night Dragon; White night dragon practically being blue-eyes itself, along with two extremely powerful skills to beef it some more.

Overall your deck isn't that bad, but there are just some choices in cards that are sorta questionable
Also i would suggest Exploder Dragon. If you REALLY want to use BEWD,maybe some white stones of legend will complement the deck more.


good deck, but u dont need 2 stampings and 2 MST, take 2 of the same out either MST or Stamping.
u can replace it with card destruction and gold sarc or scapegoat as tuning material monsters

u dont need flamvell guard, u can put another delta flyer or mirage dragon for protection against traps.

You'll do good with 2 REW, 3 isnt needed

andrew doyle2011-01-15T18:20:14Z

not bad, but try using lord of dragons, the flute of summoning dragons, and luster dragon

ps dragon capture jar, of insect barrior and dna surgery can cripple your deck also glavaty bind can stop you