Should I max out my MB's memory(ram)?

My motherboard says it supports up to 28 gbs of ram and has 6 slots.I purchased six 4gb sticks with the intentions of maxing it out.Is that a good idea?


Answering a question with a question is not helpful.Obviously,if I knew much about computers I wouldn't have wasted this 5 points.The motherboard says it supports it,so I thought that it must be necessary for certain applications.I thought "more is better" was the rule when dealing with computers and performance.


n/a,,,go away,you're a smartass and I don't have the time for you.

Yea,it's a 64 bit system,and as I stated earlier,I don't know much about this stuff.I appreciate the input from most of you.You've been a great help.


Favorite Answer

You could do that but its not a Good idea your computer wont use the 28Gbs of ram no were near that so their is no way you can max it out but this is your choice


That would depend on the O/S. 32 bit or 64 bit. If you have a 64 bit O/S then you can max out. If you have a 32 bit, then you can only put in 14.


And why would you want to do that?
Are you going to be doing anything that calls for so much ram?

More is better when you know why and what to do with "more"
You obviously don't and therefor wouldn't need maybe no more then 2GB


If you have the money, go for it .. You dont need to ... 8gb is enuff ...