Yugioh cards legality?

Just wonder can I play a AE (Asian Edition) Yugioh card in TCG?


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japanese/chinese and korean are OCG cards, in tourneys, no, in casual duels, if your opponents allows it than yes


AE stands for Asian-English. Just letting you know.

Asian English cards are illegal in the TCG because, quite simply, they aren't TCG cards. They're OCG cards. The TCG and the OCG are two totally separate card games that only merge for the World Championship. You can't use any of them in a tournament, but as far as casual duels go, as long as your opponent is okay with it. Just make sure all your cards are sleeved, since the cards have different backs.

r. whoisit2011-01-17T20:04:56Z

If your in a tournament make sure you take a translated description of the card. Make it easy for your self and do the same when dueling friends.


i'll sell you all of my yugioh cards for $50