Early sunrise in Greenland. Is the explanation of scientist attributing it to global warming wrong?
Ilulissat is Greenland's westernmost outpost and it is above the arctic circle (69° N). This year sunrise occurred on January 11, two days ahead of normal.
One of the scientist who was interviewed for the article said that "by far the most obvious explanation the early sunrise" was the melting icecap which lowered the optical horizon.
I have a strong suspicion that answer is wrong.
To solve this, you should google earth Ilulissat, Greenland.
You might also need to know something about physics and topography. It would also helps to know a little bit about the arctic and sea ice, but that is not necessary.
An additional hint, is that the first rays of the sun would not necessarily be observed from the center of town since it has small hills to the south.
P.S. I am not a skeptic, but I tend to be skeptical. I dare any skeptics to give me a good explanation. Show that you have the chops to think something out instead of cutting a pasting from trash website
Oh, this is inspired by this question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=As2e4N2B6XSFZhF4GL81kWo8.Bd.;_ylv=3?qid=20110117104352AAwIPcK
My, I really should proof read. To many little typos.
Shakira, you gotta thumb's up from me.
Rio, regarding uplift of western greenland as a result of the rebound from losing ice sheets, I think this is what you are looking for: http://climateprogress.org/2010/05/27/energy-and-global-warming-news-for-may-27-greenlands-uplift-is-evidence-of-rapid-ice-loss-nations-largest-concentrated-pv-project-opens-western-u-s-grid-can-handle-more-renewables/
However, if it were applicable, it would delay sunrise not make it earlier.
So far TU's for
d/dx + d/dy ...
Peter J
No TDs from this camp
Some good theories:
1. Anything from the Dailymail can't be trusted (TU for LGR, too),
2. Anything with a headline "sparking fear" should not be taken seriously,
3. It is most likely an atmospheric phenomena,
4. It really couldn't be a change in the ice cap because that change would be huge and otherwise noticed.
At least in my mind, all of these theories are correct!
My own analysis is:
1. First tip off is the article says that Ilulissat is the westernmost town in Greenland. That creates a presumption that it has a fairly clear view to the south (and the peak height of the sun's path is due south).
2. In fact the town itself faces west and the view to the south is not visible from the town proper. But a very short walk to the top of the hills surrounding the town gives you a good south view. It would have an elevation of about 100ft and overlooks the Ilulissat Icefiord. But this is just sea ice with a few bergs and won't effect t