Punctuation question, quote within parentheses, at the end of a sentence.?


The thing of it is, it doesn't really have to be like that (that being the way you "describe.")

What order should the quotation mark, parentheses, and period be in, at the end of this sentence, or a sentence similar to it?


Favorite Answer

The period should be outside the closing parenthesis since you're not actually quoting anybody, and they should be single quotation marks since you are referencing a word which isn't a direct quote:

The thing of it is, it doesn't really have to be like that (that being the way you 'describe').

The period would go inside the quotation marks and parentheses ONLY if you are directly quoting someone:

I don't understand why you would do that (especially when he told you, "Stop scratching. That will only make it worse.")


Punctuation Inside Parentheses


Parentheses Within Parentheses


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Punctuation question, quote within parentheses, at the end of a sentence.?

The thing of it is, it doesn't really have to be like that (that being the way you "describe.")

What order should the quotation mark, parentheses, and period be in, at the end of this sentence, or a sentence similar to it?


(When a whole sentence is enclosed in parentheses, such as this one, the period should be within.) Like that. But when just a part of a sentence is enclosed then it should be on the outer (of the parentheses). Same thing applies with quotation marks.

The thing of it is, it doesn't really have to be like that (that being the way you "describe").

("That" being the way you describe.)
(That, being, the way you "describe".)

You know what, I'm not too sure about the quotations (does the period go inside or outside?). Or even that, lol. Blah. So much for school eh.

*geniuses, "lol".

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