The US is hopelessly broke, but there are some changes it could make to bring it up to just broke.?

I'm convinced that our government doesn't have the fortitude to make the really effective changes, but I can think of about ten that would really put us on the road to recovery. What changes would you make that would do this?


Favorite Answer

1. National sales tax of about 15%. This would do wonders.

2. get out of Iraq and Afghanistan and Europe and Japan. Really cut the military expenditures.

3. lay off 2/3 of the generals.

4. Place term limits of 6 years on all senators and congressmen.

5. abolish deficit spending

6. stop paying people to not work.

7. stop paying people to have children. They seem to be able to do that without getting government money to do it.

8. stop paying subsidies to farmers.

9. raise interest rates to what they should be rather than giving money away for free. Maybe 6% for 10 year bonds. They people with money will earn more money and have money to pay taxes. People that don't have money don't pay taxes anyway. Of course with a 15% sales tax that will all change.


1. Eliminate income tax and replace with a per person tax. EVERYONE PAYS EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF TAX AS EVERYONE ELSE. That's the only fair tax.

2. Reduce government spending as follows: If it isn't mentioned in the Constitution, then it is not a federal expenditure. (e.g., Can you find "Education" in the Constitution? So, why do we have a department of education?)

3. No business pays any federal tax whatsoever. (See how many more businesses are created and jobs created because of it.)

4. In a modern day of technology, let's have a true democracy. Each week your congressman and senator posts proposed legislation and the corresponding discussion on his website. You vote. He tallies the votes of his jurisdiction and votes according to the outcome of his jurisdiction. If he fails to vote accordingly, he is immediately recalled and fired.

5. The best defense is a powerful offense. Rather than infringing the rights of private citizens on US soil, if any foreigner attacks us, consider the attack as a wanton act of war of the nation that produced that foreigner. (e.g. 9/11 attacks were brought upon us by Saudis. We should have nuked all of the Saudis on the planet and informed the rest of the world that our policy is to annhilate our enemies. Don't **** with us.)


Do away with the expensive and costly Federal Government and go back to when

each state ran it own operation - we've gone broke by the Federal Government spending

billions and billions of dollars on pork barrel do nothing, accomplish nothing projects

and plainly wasting the rest - -