Getting ready to start my sons taxes and would like information on First Time Homebuyers?
Usually use Turbo Tax or HR software for taxes mom son has a pretty simple return, but he did purchase a home two years ago and needs to start paying back the 7500. is there a question that will ask this on software or a certain spot to list this and add the 500.00 to?
Good for you David, now how about answering the questions instead of your personal thoughts. Feel sorry for that family of yours with the attitude.
Thank You Wayne for your advice without the attitude. Knew I was going to have to wait til mid Feb but trying to get everything together and that is one thing I was wondering about. Boy some can be so rude here with there so called advice. My son has no interest in doing his taxes and I have been doing ours for years. Why spend money to have them done for a simple return. Saving the money is the reason why he was able to get the house at 20. Thanks again Wayne