How does Spanish sound to non-native speakers?

Do you think it is beautiful? How does it sound to you? Is there any sound you don't like?

Spanish is my native language. I'd just like to know how it sounds to non-native speakers.



---------: I don't know which Latin American accent you have heard, but most of them are as beautiful as European (Spain) Spanish. It depends on the person you listen to. All accents are great when spoken correctly.


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Well like in spanish class it sounds bad because we dont speak fast and native. But when i hear people having real conversations it sounds so cool! i think it sounds so fast and interesting. I love it! Help me answer my question please?


I don't disagree with like any of what you said... French is soft and nice sounding, Spanish is also pretty soft and nice sounding although in a different way. Chinese has tones so, in speech, how it sounds to native English speakers is really just their tones. In songs they don't pay as much attentions to tones, and it is very beautiful. I don't know about Japanese. I know that non-English speakers find the American accent nicer sounding then British. Some words are very nice and others are not. In general though, I would say it isn't soft and nice or hard and harsh and that it is rather inbetween.


Some hispanics sound cool and funny when they speak Spanish, I love how Mexican and Argentinian Spanish sound, specially when women speak it, even if they're angry. Latin American dialects have many words borrowed from native american languages, which makes them even more nice.
On the other hand, Spanish from Spain sounds a bit harsh to my ears, the pronunciation is very different from that of Latin American dialects.


Para los que no saben hablar español, ellos lo hablan cortado, se traban en algunas palabras y a veces se quedan pensando que palabra van a decir y como se dice y su acento sigue siendo el ingles o cualquier otro idioma que hablen.


it s always interesting to hear someone speak in a laguage that you dont understand. But I love the way this one sounds, so yes i think it is beautiful.

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