Serious pain during sex?

Since taking Nuvaring, I have had issues with dryness, so I've been using lubricant during sex which I thought might have contributed to a recent yeast infection.I had all the symptoms: itchy/burning, strange discharge, though no real odor. There was a lot of heat coming from the area, much more than normal.
My boyfriend and I went to have sex, once when I was initially having symptoms, once when I finished the treatment, and again tonight, two days after finishing the treatment. I can barely stand to allow him to barely penetrate me! The pain is truly excruciating. It's a burning, stretching, awful feeling. What is also alarming is that he says that my vagina *feels* different - his initial impression was that it was like "prickly, really short hair". A gritty feeling that neither of us can really feel with our fingers, although I did feel some very tiny bumps. It's extremely painful for me and the unpleasant texture is also a little painful for him.
What on earth is wrong with me!? Other than the obvious, "see a doctor", does anyone have any ideas what this could be, or any experience with it? Has anyone else experienced this from a yeast infection?
Another concern is a bump on my upper pubic region.. it's come and gone once or twice before, but is a hard, perfectly round lump just beneath the skin. It once came to a head like acne but not this time - it's been there for a month or so. It's not painful to touch, and I am reluctant to believe that it could be anything like appears to be the only one of its kind and with my sexual history doesn't seem likely. I was previously in a monogamous relationship for two years, and in my current relationship the man had not been with another woman before.
Sorry if this is a lot. I'm puzzled, frustrated, and hurting.
Thank you.


So, no suggestions whatsoever as to what it could be?
It's not as if it's a weekend or that I have work or something preventing me from immediately going to the doctor..


Favorite Answer

you'd better go see a doctor.


You have a tear within the uterus so that you have to get your self to a general practitioner and speedily. It will mainly heal in time however the harm demands to be assessed. This, in case you don't consider it, is pressing so get relocating.