WWF Episode #1 (Rate 1/10 and Pick Winners)?

WWF 1st Episode (Rate & Pick Winners)
(1) Shelton Benjamin vs. John Morrison – Ladders Match –#1 Contender Match to face RVD in the next PPV For his Extreme Championship Title .
(2) Kurt Angle© vs. Chris Benoit – Submissions Match
(3) Masked Kane vs. Chris Jericho – Singles Match
(4) Mick Foley (WWF) vs. Triple H – First Blood
(5) Hardy Boyz (WWF) vs. Rated Rko (WWE)
Extreme Tag Team Match
(6) Christian(WWF) © vs. Evan Bourne vs. D-Von Dudley. Triple Threat Match for Christian WWF IC Title
(7) RVD vs. Stone Cold vs. The Rock vs. John Cena
Vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (WWE)
6 man Steel Cage Match

Thank You Guys, This is my first episode of WWF and tune in Monday for the next episode Results will come out at 6:30. RATE 1/10 AND PICK WINNERS


Favorite Answer

1). John Morrison.
2). Chris Benoit.
3). Masked Kane.
4). Triple H.
5). Hardy Boyz.
6). Christian.
7). Rob Van Dam.

Overall Show: 9/10. Good show man.


1) John Morrison
2) Kurt Angle
3) Chris Jericho
4) Triple H
5) The Hardy Boyz
6) Christian
7) Shawn Michaels

Overall Card Rating: 9.2/10


1. Benjamin
2. Kurt Angle
3. Masked Kane
4. Triple H
5. Rated RKO
6. Christian
7. The Rock

Rating: 9.4/10


1: John Morrison
2: Kurt Angle
3: Masked Kane
4: Triple H
5: Hardy Boyz
6: Christian
7: Undertaker

Rate: 9/10

The Y2J (Thank You Shawn) Brian ICON Blade AYW GM2011-01-23T20:28:00Z

1.Shelton Benjiman
2. Chris Benoit
3. Chris Jericho
4. Mick Foley
5. Hardy Boyz
6. Christian (retains)
7. Shawn Michaels (hbk and the rock are on top of the cage hbk super kicks him back into the ring and hbk climbs out to win)

Its good i rate it 8.5/10 i didnt like how brother d von wasnt in a tag match. I think hes better in tags

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