Printing a folder's worth of file names - Windows?

Is there a way with MS Windows (any version) to print ONLY the file names (or details view) of a folder full of files? I'm not looking to print the FILES, just the file names. With a folder full of files, I can't come up with a way to select and print the names.

Are there any ways to do this outside of possibly using multiple "Print Screen" functions?



Favorite Answer

If you go into the command prompt or DOS depending on windows version. The command :

dir > directory.txt

will list all files in the current directory to a text file called directory.txt, you can then open it in word/notepad,etc. and print it from there.


The easiest way with out installing any additional software or using up your ink on using a print screen is to use DOS batch file to place a directory listing into a file.

dir >> filelist.txt

Copy and paste the line just above into notepad and save it as "list.bat" in the directory that you want the file list for. Then run it. Next print the text file named filelist.txt.

Note: When using Windows Vista or 7 you have to change the type of file to 'ALL' when saving in notepad. or this will not work.


There's a much easier way to do this.

Open up a command prompt and do a dir listing of the directory you're interesting in. You can output the result directly to a text file.

Suppose you want to print a directory of your documents folder then you'd use

dir c:\users\[user name]\Documents

This will list all the files in your documents folder, now to output that to a file...

dir c:\users\[user name]\Documents > c:\dirlist.txt

This will create a file called dirlist.txt on your c: drive.

dir has lots of switches to control the output. To explore these type

help dir

at a command prompt or see - be aware though that different versions of Windows come with slightly different version of dir.

one > before the file name will destroy the old text file and write a new one. Two >> such as

dir c:\users\[user name]\Documents >> c:\dirlist.txt

will append the text file, which you may find useful if you want to list more than one directory such as

dir c:\users\[user name]\Documents > c:\dirlist.txt
dir c:\users\[user name]\Pictures >> c:\dirlist.txt

If you want to run these commands again open Notepad copy the commands into it and save it as a batch file (a plain text file with the file extension bat, for example, dirlist.bat

Whenever you want to run the command again just click on dirlist.bat.


Directory Printer v5.3.2
You can also do this with the command line.
From the folder in question:
Print dir.txt