What are some good places for people interested in parapsychology to visit?


Favorite Answer

If you ever go to Virginia Beach you can go to the Edgar Cayce Visitors Center, and it's free.


Well I can suggest a few places. Keep in mind parapsychology is basically a fringe of real science. But you can gain some great insight by visiting places supposedly haunted. I like haunted prisons and hospitals. while I don't believe they are "haunted" it can give you a great incite into anxiety and environmental effects on the human mind. Make sure you do nothing illegal and always have a safety plan. Taking a friend and making sure people know where you are going. (not worried that you will get abducted by ghosts but you could get hurt).



Also worthwhile: "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, and
"Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton.

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