Would I make a competitive cheerleading squad?

I've been a cheerleader ever since I was about 6 or 7, but I was always a sideline cheerleader. I really want to be on a competitive squad. The problem is that the squads I've been on have never required tumbling and I know tumbling is a huge part of competitive cheer. I'm going to take tumbling class this summer but tryouts for competitive cheer are around March/April so I won't have any tumbling besides the basics (cartwheels and round offs and such) by then. Should I still tryout or would I not make it because I can't tumble (even though I would be taking tumbling classes all summer)? Other than tumbling I have good jumps and I can stunt as a flyer (I'm not good at basing and I'm too short to back spot). I really want to make it. I could always try out next year but I don't want to wait that long.


Favorite Answer

You Will Definitely make a competitive team,!
Competitive teams accepts everyone,! The WORST to the BEST! They help people improve!
Most people going into competitive cheerleading doing round-off and come out doing fulls,!
They Have Different Levels
*Level 1- Round-Off, Cartwheels, Forward Rolls, Back Walk Overs
*Level 2- back-handspring, round-off back-handspring, and any specialty passes ending with a back-handspring
*Level 3- multiple standing back-handsprings, back-handsprings connected to jumps, round-off back-handspring, any specialty pass ending in a tuck

You Can Do It,! GOOD LUCK=)
*Level 4- standing tuck, any jumps connected to back-handspring tuck, round-off handspring layout, any specialty pass ending in a layout
*Level 5- standing full, jump to back tucks, round-off full, round-off handspring double full, and any specialty pass ending in a full or double full.


There aren't any options that aren't all stars or school teams. You could try to find a recreational team. I live near Orlando and I was on Cheer Corp. I could give you a list of those teams but I'm not sure what you're looking for.


Go for it! Wheni started on allstar cheer ( competitive cheer) all I could do was a cartwheel and summer sault. And I made a team! It all depends on age at 1st