Why are environmentalist organizations not consistent?

The groups that claim that man made carbons are changing the weather are silent on the man made chem trails that are being sprayed on a huge level all over the globe by unmarked government planes. Researches verify that alarming amounts of aluminum and barium are being put into the atmosphere and by government agencies. Why are you not all over his issue as well? This spraying does affect the weather so as we debate climate change this massive environmental experiment should be on the front page? I will leave it to you to research chemtrails for yourself.


thor no such thing as this? do you mean man made climate change or chem-trails? Chem trials are proven. The climate change is being debated. My point is many environmental groups get goodhearted people to join them but seems the goals of these groups is largely political. Crop dusting the citizens and environment with chemicals is not cool seems this should also be an area where you would speak out.


answer 4 is funny since many consider global warming the side with the faulty data and not put up for peer revue; they go so far as claiming those who do not agree with both the political mandate and the data deniers. The story from climate gate is sufficient to raise some questions. I have read revues and data from independent sources that took the data from the US department of interior which mandates water testing on wells, farms municipalities. This data goes back to the 70's. A program to analyze this data shows a uniform rise in the toxins measured. Where do live where you do not see these Chem trails. The ad homonym arguments that dismiss them as a wild conspiracy are funny when you can see them almost every day. If a truck was leaving that kind of exhaust people would be reporting it and this goes on in plain sight and most do not inquire into what is going on.

Hoover the GOPer2011-01-28T17:12:29Z

Favorite Answer

Not only are the spreading chemicals, they BLED GEORGE WASHINGTON TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Habitat Dr.2011-01-28T19:23:11Z

Not being an activist for a conspiracy theory does not equal inconsistency.

Find it in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and I might consider believing you.


Because the only thing on the planet that is consistent is....




We each make a choice every day we have breath to follow one or the other for there is no middle here.

Sad but true.