What happens if my phone gets lost or stolen with att's two year contract?

My unlocked phone recently got stolen and i wanted to get a new one for free with att's 2 yr contract. what happens if my phone gets stolen while im still on att's 2 yr contract?


Favorite Answer

Unless you have phone insurance, you are usually out of luck on this one. I'm sorry that you lost your phone (especially if it's an iphone). I hope someone has the courtesy to attempt to return it.

Just a fun fact, stealing a iphone in IL is considered theft over which is a FELONY. Which means you could get a year in prison. So, don't steal expensive phones people!


Losing your phones, or having them stolen will not nullify your contract. There are a possibilities, depending on carriers, that get out of a contract with a service provider: * If you pay the Early Termination fees. * If you move out of their coverage area. * If there has been an adverse change in their fees, etc (such as raising their rates, adding more charges, etc) [Time Sensitive!] * If there has been a change in their plan which imposes additional or new limits on your service: New or additional data use restrictions, calling restrictions, N & W changes, text messaging restrictions, etc. [Time Sensitive!] Now, I, in no means, wish to lead you, or anyone else down the prim rose path! It is very difficult to get out of a cell phone contract without getting busted in your chops. Policies vary from provider to provider. The listed possibilities are often time-sensitive, so quick action is needed. Verification of the validity of the suggestions listed is also needed for each carrier. I have not researched AT&T. Good luck!


Stolen At&t Phone


Depends on whether you had insurance on your device or not. If yes, file a claim, if not, you may have to purchase another phone. Explain to them what happened and many times they'll sell you the phone at a one year contract price.


It depends how many days it has been and if you have insurance

and to the person above the other person above me I live in Illinois too! *highfive*