A question about wolf Spider Bites?

So I have been looking up information on Wolf Spiders (don't we all?) and have found a few interesting things, but I still have one remaining question about them.

I have read that Wolf Spider bites can be painful, so here's my question.

Are Wolf Spider bites painful, as in "accidentally-slamming-your-hand-onto-the-hard-radio-in-your-bedroom" painful or "poisonously-painful" or "knife-through-the-heart-and-about-to-die". So, does anybody know?


So in other words, It's very painful, and may swell up a wee bit, but there are really no long term effects?


Favorite Answer

They are painful. Like a yellow jacket but a little worse. They aren't deadly but they are painful.

EDIT: In general, or so some sites say, the bite can persist for up to 10 days, with swelling decreasing.

There MAY be some necrotizing (dying of skin/turning purple) in which case you should probably seek some medical attention, but this isn't a common trait.

If you do get bit you would want to wash the wound immediately with some antibacterial soap and ice the wound while keeping it elevated.

The bites can range in pain, but nothing that is overly debilitating.

Most severe cases occur in children and elderly.