I want to make a Cookie Monster costume for Halloween (ik it's early) and instead of a blue sweatsuit or something, i want it to be like, floor length, robe-ish thing (but not an actual robe). Does anyone know what kind of fabric is used to make the puppet, or any substitute. if so, could you include a link for a pic and where i can buy it? thanks!
Favorite Answer
You need blue shagg polyester
Here http://www.mendels.com/fur2.shtml is 1" fur just perfect for kid size muppets http://www.mendels.com/furswatch/M208500lg.jpg or 2 - 4" fur which is even wilder looking adult size blue http://www.mendels.com/furswatch/punkyroyallg.jpg short. They offer discounts on 5yds or more.
Alternatively: http://www.big4fabrics.com/fakefur.html - Cookie is Bright Blue - either the Royal http://www.big4fabrics.com/images2/swatches/shag4royal.jpg or Turquoise http://www.big4fabrics.com/images2/swatches/shag12turq.jpg will work.
Have a grand time -- I think it will look fabulous -- good to see you working on something that far in the future so that you can make it right!
Here are some pics http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=cookie+monster+costume
And ways other adult costumes have been created -- I would think you would look for a bear costume or other full body suit for you start http://www.coolest-homemade-costumes.com/cookie-monster-costume.html
RE: What fabric is the cookie monster? I want to make a Cookie Monster costume for Halloween (ik it's early) and instead of a blue sweatsuit or something, i want it to be like, floor length, robe-ish thing (but not an actual robe). Does anyone know what kind of fabric is used to make the puppet, or any substitute. if so, could you...
You have time, so check all your locally accessible fabric stores. If there's a hole-in-the-wall place or other discount fabric seller, try there first. Only pay full price if you really have to.
Try fuzzy felt and see if it comes in the right blue. Try plush fabric, designed for making plush animals and pillows. Try fun fur. It comes in all sorts of colors. Your fabric stores should have at least one of these.