Is it possible to have a hurricane in winter?

In Houston Texas



Or while it is snowing?


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Yes, it is possible as long as conditions would support it . During the winter, conditions in the Northern Hemisphere are usually not very supportive for hurricanes because of increase wind shear and the sea surface temperatures being too cool. or tropical storms. But if you look over the past 50 years, you will find a few rare cases where tropical systems did form in the winter.

Based on the National Hurricane Center, from 1944-2004, for the Atlantic Ocean for the period that is outside of the hurricane season ( June-November) there have been a total of:

6 hurricanes for December
4 hurricanes from January-April
30 hurricanes in May.

Banana Orange2011-02-05T14:44:55Z

I will have 3 answers for your three conditions, with each question adding another condition.

1. It is possible to have a hurricane in the winter. As long as conditions are right, the wind shear, the sea surface temperature, and all the other factors. Already 5 hurricanes since records began in 1851 occurred in the winter, and 8 other tropical systems that would have been hurricanes had better conditions were in place. However, it is possible other untracked or unnoticed hurricanes spun around in the winter.

2. Like for hurricanes in winter, you need favorable conditions to be in place for a hurricane to hit Houston, Texas in the winter, although none have been recorded in the 160 years hurricanes have been tracked.

3. It is possible for a hurricane to landfall and affect areas while snow is falling, in Houston, TX, and in the winter. Remember, it's all about favorable conditions. Although it hasn't happened in Houston so far south and in the winter, other hurricanes, like in 1804 and in 1963, produced snow over the New England area.


No its not possible.

Hurricanes need warm water to form and thrive. The atlantic ocean is cool to cold this time of year. Also hurricanes need warm air on land to last. The ocean is cool, and the land is cold right now. Lets say for argument sake a hurricane did form in the ocean, it would rapidly fall apart when it makes landfall. However theyr'e will be a big snowstorm out of it.


You can have a Hurricane whenever you want:

* 2 oz light rum
* 2 oz dark rum
* 2 oz passion fruit juice
* 1 oz orange juice
* juice of a half a lime
* 1 Tbsp simple syrup
* 1 Tbsp grenadine
* orange slice and cherry for garnish


1. Squeeze juice from half a lime into shaker over ice.
2. Pour the remaining ingredients into the cocktail shaker.
3. Shake well.
4. Strain into a hurricane glass.
5. Garnish with a cherry and an orange slice.

Goes on unfriendable2011-02-02T21:44:37Z

Actually, no. You sometime have these things called typhoons. See, they are much worse and have a higher death toll. They also cause a ton of snow. I would get out of there fast.

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