What is the most important animal in Dubai?


Favorite Answer

party animal


The most important animal in dubai is Eagle, Camel, and Horse.

@kaheem: you are a definition of animals ****. who the hell do u think u r?
@sara martin: ur such a racist person, ur lucky ur still on yahoo answers be more respectful at least they are animals what are u ?
@monika: Surely 2ith u, theyr lucky they r still here.

hope it helps


What about peacock? hmmm.. This gets me to wonder, what can I do with a peacock feathers. hmmm.. Rug, maybe?!?!?! Muahahahahaha


@ kaheem
you are not deserved even to be called an animal, the animals are wiser than you!!!!!!!!!!remember "KHARA" THATS YOU!
@ khahem which mean kharaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, drive in ur stinking penis to ur *** hole , you have no space here, everyone hates you, brrrrrrrr, i squeamish from you, behhhh!!!!!!!!



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