Program that can indicate and/or fix corrupted files?
My computer crashed once and some files got corrupted. I know that many programs exists out there which they can fix the files, but I need a program that searches for the corrupted files BY ITSELF since I have too many files on my pc and I don't know which are corrupted or not and of course I can't search them one by one. I don't really care if the program can fix the the corrupted files. (Even though I prefer to). I just want to know which files are the bad ones to delete them and free some space.
Thank you both for your answers. But my problem is kind of old. That why I said "my computer crashed ONCE". This happened a long time ago. My current windows (7) version are ok. I just found some old corrupted files and thought to fix them. And I need a program that will search and find these corrupted files.