If 'good Christian couples' are so desperate for a child to parent what would it matter what age, race, or background they are/came from? Why is it they're willing to pay out the nose for a BABY when so many children are available for adoption right now? Do to my sexuality I am unable to adopt a child from where I live from FC just now but I am perfectly happy to wait till its legal or move when the time comes that I am ready. I am also not planning on an infant. I would like to adopt an elementary/middle school age child 6-12 or so. So some 'good Christian person' or anyone else with an insight/opinion on the matter pleas feel free to tell me why you HAVE TO adopt a baby? They're just as likely to turn out like any foster child could. Those are GOOD kids, they simply need a home, why adopt one of them?


Favorite Answer

Good people don't care.


Because many adopters seem to be totally naive. They think that, as the baby wouldn't have memories of his or her first parent that adoption will be a breeze. All happy families and "chosen" babies. A blank slate to mould as they see fit.

Children in foster care or a children's home, on the other hand, are seen as damaged goods, whether from abuse, neglect, the trauma of their time in care, whatever. As a foster mum for many years and now the a-mum to 3 of our fosters, I'm sorry to say there's some truth in that belief. I've had fights in my home, kids truanting, swearing, running away, one threatened me with a knife after I found his drug stash and so on....

Those "good Christian people" will never know how amazing it is to watch a child turn his or her life around, and know that, in some small way, you've helped them to do that.


Well it's not just Christians who want a baby, most people who adopt want a younger kid.

That I've seen, it's the kind of mindset most people go to shelters with.

They want a cute puppy, one they can mold into whatever shape they want to. Since it's so young it's not as likely to be damaged and what damage has been done would be easier to repair then they adopted an older dog.
Also, they'll have the dog for longer (with a kid, it would be a few more years before they moved out and into the world.) Not saying it's true, it's just the mentality that they use.

Marnie B2011-02-06T19:48:39Z

People need to adopt the kind of child they feel most comfortable with. Most couples arent cut out to raise children with special needs.There's nothing wrong with wanting a healthy baby & like Calmia said most couples want the experience of raising the child from the beginning. Most couples who adopt think long & hard about what type of adoption is the best fit for their family. If you want an older child from foster care, more power to you, just understand that it's not right for everyone.


They're hypocrites, pure and simple. They don't want to do the best thing for a child; they want a baby to satisfy their own desires.

Calmia- We're not against people being happy. We're against babies being unhappy because they were sold to these "good Christian people" who just *had* to have a pwesus ickle baaaaybeee.

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