Is question pimping a YA violation?

I see a lot of this. Someone will ask a specific question and get 0 replies. So they ask another very general question such as "Do you like Tomatoes?" or "Do you like PCs or MACs" or "Coke or Pepsi?" and in the question details they pimp the question they asked previously. This is obviously a (failed) covert attempt to try to get more to look at their original question, and they have no interest in the "pimping" question's answers.


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Yes, to a violation... Yahoo recommends that you just delete a question that hasn't received any answers, then ask it again later. Make sure the question is going into the right category as many get over looked if they aren't placed right.

Son of T32011-02-09T02:20:34Z

Yes, it is a solicitation violation. It would be the same if you asked a real question and added an avatar game to it. If a violation is present, it doesn't matter what else is there.

jay k2011-02-09T02:25:55Z

yep, it is reportable as solicitation