will turning up the heat on my water heater make hot water last longer?

i live in a 2 story house and i can never get enough water to take a nice shower. if i turn up the water heater will i have longer hot water? or will it just do nothing?


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It won't make the hot water last longer, but it might make the shower last longer. The water in your shower is essentially a mix of hot water and cold water. If you have a higher temperature on the hot water (but the same overall shower temp), the mix will be adjusted, and the amount of hot water being used at once will be reduced.

Be cautious to turn it up in smallish increments. You may find that the kitchen sink suddenly gives you scalding water, otherwise.

Also, keep in mind that the hotter it's set, the more energy it'll use in maintaining that heat level.


turning the thermostat up will make the water closer to the unit A LOT hotter compared to the furthest away faucet. In theory it should stay hotter given that hotter water will take longer to dissipate the heat.

consider that if the unit is old and lost most of its efficiency due to age,tear and wear...or for whatever reason the water will cool down fast again. you would have to take the shower 10 or 15 min after the heater was turned on, if you turn it off before taking a shower you run into the possibility that the water cools down a bit.

there is a heater unit that you can install in the bathroom. it doesn't have a big reservoir tank, it heats up whatever water that runs through the unit, the unit is many times smaller than a conventional water heater with a tank. consider the unit if you want to save some $$ just in electric bills alone. the down side of this unit is that if you place it at the bath room no other faucet will have hot water.

BUT(yes again) you can install a unit over where ever you have yours now AND it still work the same way, you will only get hot water once the hot water side of a faucet is turned on.

visit your local hardware store and ask for a tank less water unit. if you only need hotter water on your bathroom consider a small tank less unit.

you will save on electric bills. greater savings the longer you keep the unit.



It will last longer because you probably will still want the same temprature water for your shower but since the hot water is now hotter, it will take less of it mixed with the cold water to get your desired temrature. But here are the negatives to doing that: 1. Hot water tanks will turn on and off to maintain a temprature even when no water is being used. By having the setting set higher you will be using more energy when you are not even using the water making your energy bill go up. 2. Higher temprature means higher chance of getting burned if you accidentily turn on just the hot water. Depending on the age of your water heater. If it's old enough and you need to replace it anyway and if you plan on being in the house for a long time (years). Then consider replacing the water tank with a Tankless water heater. They cost a lot more but you get your money back over time if you stay in the house because your not paying for heating water just to stay hot in a tank.


No it will only make the water hotter. If you have a fifty gallon water heater and it does not hold that amount of water, then the bottom has mineral build up and needs to be flushed out. In the bottom there is like sand, and when the sand heats up around the internal thermostat it will say the water is hot, but it is the sand that is hot, not the water! and the gas will go back to polite! Need to open the bottom spigot and drain out the water along with the sand, you may have to run a straighten out cloths hanger up into it in order to get the sand out. First shut off the water before you start. After you do this once, do it again and again. After three or four flush outs you should get no sand, and it will be clean.


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