How to stop making silly errors.?

When I do math, 95% of my mistakes are just really silly mistakes. Like putting 7+6=12 Instead of 7+6=13, I just keep making these little errors in simple arithmetic or writing down a problem wrong. Just really stupid mistakes. On my last exam, I got an 80%, and out of the 20% I got wrong, only one of those problems was a real mistake. (x+7)^3 but I distributed the 3... The rest were these silly errors. My teacher saw this, but could only give me half credit for the other problems.

Well, how do I stop making these mistakes?


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i do the same exact thing. what i do is make sure i look at everything twice, and go though all math at a slower pace (especially tests and exams).


Check your answers. If you're asked to divide 42 by 3 and you get 14, you could check that 14*3=42.

Solve problems two different ways and see if your answers agree.

inoffensive monster2011-02-11T04:06:54Z

the way i stopped making silly errors was by getting 10 hours of sleep plus drinking a cofee in the morning. It keeps you reallly aware on what your doing

promblem solver2011-02-11T04:09:47Z

double check you answers in the back of the book sometimes wehn i don't know how to do a promblem but i know some of the steps i try to work back words. so use the back of the book as a tool. and then double check you answer after your done, and then do your whole assigment/test and then go back and rechek all of your answers good luck