So Delicious Green Tea Ice Cream Non Soy delicious?

How does this compare with japanese restaurant ice cream? I got the one that contains coconut milk which got me interested. At first taste I could certainly taste the coconut. Only! Not bad but I really wanted the green tea flavor. So Let me answer this. This ice cream is bad, real bad. Its says no soy but I can taste that too. Sure it has fewer calories because the taste isn't there. This ice cream just taste like cardboard. Don't waste your money. Its $6.00 for a 1/2 pint or whatever plus its tastes like cardboard or powdered milk. I did rather do an eliptical or run for a little bit than try and save 30 calories eating this garbage.


Favorite Answer

really? aw i saw it and got so excited! Purely Decadent is like the vegan version of Ben & Jerrys, if you dont like THAT youll never like any vegan ice cream lol :-) heres a list of other great vegan alternative foods:

Gail D2011-02-13T21:31:40Z

Is this a question? It sounds like you have an axe to grind, as you answered it yourself by doing nothing more than bashing this ice cream. So Delicious coconut milk green tea ice cream does not contain soy, yet you tasted soy. This flavor is one of my favorites. Since I can't eat dairy, So Delicious coconut milk ice cream has been a godsend. Not only is this flavor fabulous, but our whole family enjoys all of their other flavors, too, like mint chip, chocolate brownie almond, and chocolate chip cookie dough. It's worth every penny, but I often download coupons from their website, too!