Post partum bleeding-my baby is almost 10 weeks old and I'm still bleeding, when he was 6 weeks old the?
bleeding stopped and I was clean for about 8 days, then I started spotting again. At 7 weeks post partum I got the merena iud (with hormones), could that be causing me to spot or am I still bleeding from having the baby? Do I have to go check it out at the dr? Is it normal to still be bleeding at almost 10 weeks?
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It is normal I have the iud also and it did the exact same thing. I was still bleeding (very lightly) until my baby was 12 weeks old. It is the iud. But very normal.
Its most likely the IUD. I have it and when it was first inserted I honestly bled for almost 3mths straight, and then when i got my period i bled for almost 2wks outta the mth. My doctor said that happens to some ppl. I will have it one yr next month and just in Dec it finally made my period stop, but now i am thinking I am pregnant every week because of the hormones. Its horrible, my advice if you are able get it removed, the hormones mess with you sooo bad. I plan too as soon as i'm able. Good Luck!!
its the IUD. My sister-in-law had a 1 year old boy, and she decided to get an IUD and she was bleeding for three month. She called the Dr. the tried to take it out and re-insert it, but she still bled. so, now she is using other forms of birth control.
You should call your dr. and tell them. Good Luck, and Congrats on you Baby =)