quick question about vertical lobes?

if you have had them done, how long did it take for the swelling to go down? I've had mine done for a week and even though they don't really hurt, my right ear especially is noticeably swollen.

for what it may or may not be worth, the placement is not traditional, they both have snug placements..


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so did you get the part about the salty water? lol.
i've only done a couple of these over the years, and they do seem like they swell more and for longer. i wish i knew more, but nobody calls me on a daily basis to let me know how things are going.
i did do one on a friend, though. after a week they were still quite red and swollen. he had to take them out for a new job, so i don't know more than that


It'll take a couple weeks for the swelling to go down, make sure you clean it twice a day with hot salty water to stop it getting infected. Also, to help the swelling, clean your hands thoroughly and very gently massage the ear lobe during cleaning, it helps the blood circulation which will bring the swelling down AND lower infection chances.

Good luck and enjoy you're new piercing :)