Is michael jackson still dead?

I know it's been asked before, but that was over a year ago. I just want to check to see if he's still dead.


Favorite Answer

His rotten corpse has been seen walking the streets again... Hide all the little boys!


You are all crazy. It's very easy to return from the dead, but you must follow tasks that are listed on the sign next to the gate to the world.

Unfortunately it's against The Rules to tell anybody in the living world what those tasks are, so I guess you'll just have to wait.

But yes, Michael is on number four of the ten tasks, therefore making him still dead.


No. He rose from the dead and led my entire neighborhood in a synchronized 'Thriller' dance.

Of course the man is still dead.


Yes and will be forever so theres no need to check. Once youre dead you cant come back to life only in spirit and soul.

Joshua M2011-02-17T12:57:35Z

He's been dead for almost 2 years. Still miss him also!

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