Do other people 'celebrate' ordinary adult birthdays with a party? e.g. 22nd or 51st?

I guess it is about your particular family traditions but is it 'normal' to want a special occasion every year?

Losing Is Not An Option2011-02-18T09:54:13Z

Favorite Answer

In my family there are people who don't like to celebrate and people who do, we leave it up to the person. Personally I do like a celebration every year, with a cake and a card and a gift or two. Its an individual thing.

arun v2011-02-18T16:42:28Z

Hi dude there is nothing so odd about celebrating adult birthday , my family and some relatvies celebrate there birthday every year it just getting socialized you know

18 gibbs 202011-02-18T16:37:58Z

We have cake and a small party for everyone in our family. Ages go from 3 to 83.


I'm 23 and I throw big parties every year on my birthday so I guess that would be a yes.


I don't celibrate my birthday at all. Never have. That's just my personal choice. Most people do and that's O K too.