What happened to my itunes music!?

Alright so I got a new laptop recently and when I downloaded itunes and logged in I noticed NONE of my downloaded content from my account was there?! Is it because I have a new laptop? If so then why wouldn't the songs still be there since I'm on my account? Wouldn't it have remembered me PURCHASING the music?! Please don't tell me I wasted my damn money...


Favorite Answer

When you download songs, they are downloaded to your computer. You tell itunes the song's location on your harddrive and it plays the song from that location.
Logging in isn't going to do anything.

You need to transfer your songs from your old computer to your new one. Use a flashdrive or external hardrive depending on how much you have.
If you haven't already erased the songs from your iPod by connecting it to the empty new computer, you can use a program like Pod to PC to transfer them from your iPod, but they won't be organized in your nice playlists anymore, or be in any particular order, but it is much better than nothing.


ITunes is a stupid dumb retarded virus I has movies TV episodes and now there gone from the same computer I bought them on. Never use it.


email Steve and ask wtf?

Alot of people run into the very same issue. The best thing you can do is convert your itunes library to .mp3s then save those externally.....=> your music forever