does anybody know which battlefield am i referring to?

Hi, I'm looking for a game with the name battlefield 1942 or so if I'm not wrong.. Its a very old game which runs on flash/java/shockwave player... I'm not exactly sure of the year stated though... surely it was stated as 1940s.. The game doesn't have to be downloaded to play, I've played it before. I played once, and for reasons unknown I stopped playing. Then i had hard time searching for it again few years back and somehow managed to find it but didn't note down the site. Then again I stopped playing it for reasons unknown too.. I'm trying to get back to that game now again and I really can't find for it as all the search results show is the PC downloadable game version which is not what I'm looking for. All I can remember is, the site was green with the name " battlefield 1940 something " , you log in, you make your own small tanks... the tanks are coloured, red, green, blue, orange, purple and so on. you start the game, the game loads in a nice square interface at the centre of the screen. It'll ask us to select a map, once we're done it'll show our tank in the selected map and we click inside the interface to move our tanks. you can't fight with the tank which is in the same colour as yours. The battle is a fair battle, you see another coloured tank, you click it once, you shoot it, the other person using that tank, clicks your tank since you've fired, they hit and you click on them again to fire at them back. At the bottom of the interface itself, it has the following options to click, map, radar, scan, arrows(up, down, left, right, straight, diagonally top/bottom). Your tank gets damaged, you find for fuel from map and teleport there to regain your tank health. Fuel is indicated in a yellow dot in map. If health is too low, it will not be able to teleport you and you have to go off clicking inside the interface hoping to find for a fuel. I really miss that game, hope somebody has played/seen what I was talking about and provide me the official link for that game.


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BattleField 1943