Do I stay or leave a musical career?

The music industry is changing, and maybe that means the chances of success are growing, but it seems like it is a risky idea to stay in music, rather than go to the safe engineering route. I could hedge by teaching music, but I'm a song writer, and that is what I want to do. What do I need to succeed in a business that is really only stacked for the few, the lucky or the connected? Or, will Indy music make it less risky, and why?


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Put things in perspective is my advice. We live once and will die someday. Don't mean to be negative but it's true. So what would you rather spend your time on Earth doing? Something that is safe but maybe not what you want? Or to try doing something you really love risking failure? You say you want to write songs. Okay. Write songs. Try to make a living from that. Give yourself reasonable goals with it.
When you wake up at 60 years old one day and you're an engineer or are teaching music, will you be happy with your decision or regret not giving songwriting a shot? Some people may say this is silly but I think working at a job that you hate or at something that isn't really what you want while you have opportunities to do other things you love is silly. I worked a job I hated for a while and decided to go back to school and got a degree. One of the best decisions I ever made. Maybe THE best. Best of luck. I know what you're going through.