Determining Capacitance?

Determine the capacitance of a Teflon-filled parallel-plate capacitor having a plate area of 1.85 cm2 and insulation thickness of 0.0400 mm.

I tried using the formula, C = ε₀ ∙ A / d:
Giving me C = (8.854e-12)(1.85e-4)/(0.04e-3) = 4.09e-11 * (1e+12) = 40.9 pF.

However the software tells me this answer is wrong. The answer is somewhere in the range of 10~100pF, but I don't want to randomly guess at it. Could someone explain to me how to solve this problem?


The answer is 86 pF. Could someone explain how they got that answer?


Favorite Answer

You've not accounted for Teflon. Probably because your formula is weird. It's C=(Kε) (a/d) (8.85e-12)
Kε being the dielectric constant, and in this case it is Teflon which has a dielectric constant of 2.1


The voltage on a capacitor charging, is given via Vc = V [one million - e^ ( -t / R x C) ] 9 = 13 [ one million - e^ ( -one million / 11E3 x C ) ] 9 = 13 - 13 e^ ( -one million / 11E3 x C ) ] 13 - 9 / 13 = e^ ( -one million / 11kE3 x C ) ] ln ( 4 / 13 ) = -one million / 11E3 x C -one million.179 = -one million / 11E3 x C one million /one million.179 = 11E3 x C 0.848 = 11E3 x C C = 0.848 / 11E3 = 77 E-6 F = 77 microfarads .