Should I end this friendship?
Ok, I got this friend I've been friends with since I've been in High school. He lives about 5 minutes from me, oddly enough we both live about 45min south of where we grew up. He got a job nearby down here a few years ago and I've been here for about 5 years(were both 28).
Lets call him Joe. Joe's has his own personal issues and I've accepted that for a long time, he was in special ed in school and I believe he has Aspergers Syndrom. He's an alright guy when he wants to be but hes got a major selfish side too. Like if you call him up, you'll be talking to him and if this other friend of his calls(he lives over in the next state), he will cut you off "Uh.. Jacks calling bye" I hate to sound petty but "cant it wait 5 minutes?". If your talking to him and he's not interested in what your saying, he will just start talking about something else. i dont like going over to his place because it smells and he has some really slovenly habits.
Joes a big whiner and does nothing to solve his problems or better himself. I mean, he will get into screaming matches with his mother on the phone, hes always broke, and always having money problems. Hes never had a girlfriend. Just in general a big complainer. However, you try to correct him or point stuff out, Joe gets really pissey and resentful.
He's always trying to get people to do stuff for him(i.e set up his stereo). Its almost like, all this stuff has gotten worse in the last year. I starting to feel like I'm being used, tired of all the selfishness.
Talking to him doesnt work, I've tried, hes set in his ways and thats how its always gonna be. Should I just start seeing less of him or cut it off cold turkey? What would you do in this circumstance?