Suggestions for where to advertise?

I am putting together several events for the fire house I am a member of...
BBQ Cook-off
Chili Cook-off
Cookie Dough Sale
Beef n Beer Cancer Benefit... and more

So far I have thought to advertise the events the following ways:

Facebook event
local newspaper in the what's happening section
reader board at the fire house
fire house web site
radio stations and radio station facebook pages

Can anyone think of any where else I can advertise?


oh we are also faxing to all other local fire houses.

Chris, I didn't think about schools- great idea, culinary institues/trade schools too!


Favorite Answer

walmart has a bulletin board, if you go talk to someone at the service desk i'm sure they'd let you post a printed flyer for the events.

also, just go staple some flyers to some telephone poles in your target areas.


Any local school,college or Uni newspapers


Our local cable TV has a free advertising channel. You may want to check into that.


shop windows