Favorite Answer
To avoid confusion, the letter O is not used. Only the number zero is used. My state also does not use the letter I for the same reason, they only use the number 1.
The same goes with the VIN on your car.
Joe S
It's sometimes pretty tough to tell, especially if they have a custom or an out of state plate. It's the same with S and 5 and 1 and I too. You just run it, and if it comes back "no record on computer" you try with the opposite. Usually you can tell it it's a O or a 0 or a 5 or a S on our license plates fairly easily. Our state uses groups of 3 letters and 4 numbers for standard license plates. Something like ABC1234, 1234ABC, or 12ABC34. I usually just look for where the three letters are in this case.
Peace Through Blinding Force
It's a 0. Most States do not use the letter o on their plates.
In North Carolina, letters are on one side, and numbers are on the other.
For example, ABC-1234.
In Britain we use the same symbol for both but its position indicates which it represents. Just another erosion of precision that we have to accept.