As a country we should be ashamed to have let this what I dont even consider a genre or music which has damaged America and culture.They sag skinny jeans thinking its "gangsta" and I dont like this thug culture why cant we have real black culture and hospitality and good R&B&Soul from the 1970's.Pop music today is no better but why did we let rap become mainstream when its awful why was it even created.the boy who created it should have never been born!
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Hip Hop is dying, shouldn't be problem for much longer
it was "danceable" and taste is relative You may hate it and i may hate it but some cretin down the block might like it and kaboom- the cretin tells his friends about it. Pretty soon the block is playing the abomination.
You lived through the Beatles and Metal Bands and those horrible screeches of scary looking people singing and breaking guitars on stage. Hip hop is lame and tame compared to your generation.
Hohum. Listening to it makes me want to have a nap.
Same reason rock became mainstream? But because it is predominately black so there is an issue huh? hip hop= exercise of free speech, like every other music.