What do you think with: Heart or mind?

I'm fascinated to be learning how we actually are likely to think not only with our minds but that we do in fact think (at least intuitively and emotionally) in our hearts. Have you heard of this new line of research? (Well not so very new -- neurologists have been studying it since the 1950's, I've learned.) I find it exciting. It gives a whole new dimension to ancient writings and particularly of interest to me, the Bible. Maybe all that stuff about pondering things in one's heart isn't as metaphorical as I thought.


You may need to explore a little bit, Jenny. I would have said the same as you a few months ago. Now I'm not so sure. Remember that science is not static; always growing and changing. This is the research of secular scientists if that makes a difference to you.


Oops! Sorry -- I meant Jessie. (or Jessica)


Wiggle, that's not quite what I meant. I agree with you that it's bad to act on emotions alone -- very, very bad. Then again, thinking only with the logical side of the brain can be unbalanced also. We need both.


Carmen, LOL Too, too true. I find myself doing that on occasion and almost always regret it. :(

Christian M2011-02-28T17:47:51Z

Favorite Answer

Jessica Rabbit is wrong about the heart. She is right about the heart. But she is speaking of the physical heart which indeed pumps blood and not the heart of a man that is the center of being. But each of our organs has a spiritual aspect that is of the unseen realm of Substance rather than the dream state of mortal being. This is not new age mumbo jumbo but the direct experience of sages and rishis and masters over thousands of years. Even I have had such experiences that I no longer doubt that the spiritual aspects of being far exceed the material realm in substance.

That is the heart you are referring to and what is required is the balance of mind and heart that brings about wisdom. When the bible says the path is narrow and hard to walk that is what it is referring to, that delicate balance between heart and mind and the wisdom to let the ego/mind know you will not allow it to rule over your true being.



The human body is a complex machine which depends upon the heart for efficient operation. It isn't surprising that the brain reacts to neurological or wave changes in the heart. It also reacts when the skin is pricked or pierced. The heart itself reacts to signals from the brain, beating quickly in response to fear and panic, or slowing with meditative thoughts. In any case it's sheer speculation that the primary direction of the signal goes from heart to brain and not vice versa or for that matter equally in both directions. It is not speculation however that the brain is still the organ which thinks and feels, weeps and laughs,via the chemical reactions and electric impulses within its body. We can "see" the brain being happy. Not so the heart. The heart is a complicated pump with many built in gauges. But like the steam engine with equally complicated gauges it is incapable of acting like a brain. An individual can function more or less normally with a mechanical heart, emotionally or otherwise. Nobody has ever successfully felt happy without a brain. In point of fact nobody has successfully felt anything without a brain.


I was once told by an exceptionally holy person that if i was ever confused to 'listen to my heart'. I've been trying to make sense of it with my mind ever since.
But sometimes there are things i 'know' in my heart that my brain has to kind of 'catch up' with.
It can take so many words sometimes to explain a feeling.
And there are also feelings and states of being that can be very unexplainable 'logically' or is very resistant to analysis.
i think the heart contains a wisdom of its own.
It says so much in the bible that to follow you heart as there is where your treasure is.


When people say you think with your heart - they're really saying that you're more emotionally-driven, which is a bad thing (in my experience)

It is far more productive, and psychologically healthy to be logical, to plan, prepare - and use common sense.

Carmen R (Now a Koala)2011-02-28T15:09:57Z

I think with my mouth - it somehow bypasses both logic and emotion when I speak -I sometimes say stupid things that I didn´t even mean - afterwards, I think ´WHY the hell did I say that - I don´t even think that myself, and why did I think it a good idea to vocalise it is another matter!´

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